Me, blog? Never.

Hiya, it’s me, Pinkfantasy….blogging. I know, I know, it’s crazy. I can’t even read names on stream correctly, yet still I think I can craft and create blog post. I must be insane. Little does everyone know; I blogged for many years and sold my blog to a company that is taking good care of it. Don’t ask what it is I’ll never tell. It’s a very personal journey that I shared and now I know my former readers are getting great advice and are in good hands.

I’ll let you in on a little secret…I MISS BLOGGING SO MUCH.

So here we are, my little space on the internet for whatever I want to put out there. Life events and stories, product reviews, streaming and content creation advice. I’m leaving it all here and for all to see. So come back frequently, I’m not planning a schedule for these. When I feel like long form post, they will be here. Until we talk again.

Love ya, mean it,

